DescriptionAmidst tree-laden slopes, a skier glides and a gondola ascends, a picturesque pillow that represents nature and adventure. Amidst tree-laden slopes, a skier glides and a gondola ascends, a picturesque pillow that represents nature and adventure. Customers who bought this item also bought Let It Snow (12" x 8" x 5") 167LETIT $12.50 NEW! Ski Goggles (24" x 8" x 5") 162SKIGOGGLES-RDWT $23.50 NEW! Ski Like a Girl (24" x 8" x 5") 162SKILIKEAGIRL-WTBL $23.50 NEW! Ski (14" x 14" x 5") 164SKI-RDWT From $25.50 NEW! Cabin in the Snow (12" x 8" x 5") 167CABININSNOW-MXBL $12.50 Downhill Skier (12" x 8" x 5") 167DOWNHILLSKIER $12.50 Ski Like a Girl (20" x 14" x 5") 163SKILIKEAGIRL $37.50 Yipee Ski Jumper (8" x 12" x 5") 167YIPPEE $12.50 NEW! Gone Skiing (14" x 14" x 5") 164GONESKIING-WTRD From $25.50 Cheers Snowman with Flakes (8" x 12" x 5") 167CHEERSMAN $12.50 Gone Skiing (24" x 8" x 5") 162GOSKIING $23.50 Apres Ski (8" x 12" x 5") 167APRESSKI $12.50