Farm and Garden Hooked Wool Pillows
1-24 of 55
Sale 20% Off
(12" x 8" x 5")167QUAIL-PLWT
Birders of all stripes will love our quail pillow, which shows this beloved game bird shyly emerging from the woodland
(8" x 12" x 5")167SUNFLOWER
Enjoy the garden all day long with our Sunflower hooked wool pillow. A lovely little accent to any home's decor.
(8" x 12" x 5")167CARDINAL
Our brilliant red Cardinal pillow is a great gift for the ornithologist in the family.
(8" x 12" x 5")167SHEEP-BLK-WHT-000
No barnyard is complete with out a sheep, that why our Sheep hooked pillow is an essential component of any farm hous...
Lone Bee
(8" x 12" x 5")167LONEBEE
Bring your sunroom, living room or bed room to life with our Lone Bee hooked wool pillow. A great accent for any gar...
Bright Sunflower
(12" x 8" x 5")167BRIGHTSUNFLOWER
Bright summer sunflower decorative hooked wool pillow.
Robin in Nest
(12" x 8" x 5")167ROBININNES-BRWT
It doesn’t matter if you are nesting for the first time or just doing a little freshening up your home décor, this ne...
Bluebird and Berries
(12" x 8" x 5")167BLUEBIRD-BLU-WHT-000
Nestle this bluebird pillow where you can see it for a daily dose of happiness!
Love Birds
(12" x 8" x 5")167LOVEBIRDS-PKWT
Your sweetheart will adore a pillow decorated with two charming lovebirds perched on a branch.
Perky Turkey
(12" x 8" x 5")167PERKYTURKEY-RDWT
This turkey pillow loves to proudly strut his stuff on a sofa or a bench.
(12" x 8" x 4")167POPPY-RDWT
Enhance your space with a vivid pillow, featuring enchanting, fully bloomed poppies in vibrant, captivating colors.
Sale 21% Off
In Vino Veritas
(24" x 8" x 5")162INVINOVERITAS-PLWT
Our In Vino Veritas lumbar pillow is a fun, decorative gift for a wine living friend.
Sale 21% Off
Let the Sunshine In
(24" x 8" x 5")162LETSUNSHIN-GRN-WHT-000
Brighten your day and your home with this decorative Let the sun shine in hooked wool lumbar pillow with a lovely sun...
Sale 21% Off
Rise and Shine
(24" x 8" x 5")162RISEANDSHI-YEL-WHT-000
Rise and Shine! Our decorative greeting pillow is sure to brighten your mood in the moring, along with that hot cup o...
Sale 20% Off
Proud Hen
(14" x 14" x 5")164PROUDHEN-ORG-BGE-000
Bring home the feel of a coutry getaway with our decorative proud hen hooked wool pillow. It is sure to add some wel...
From $20.50
Sale 20% Off
Doodle-Doo Rooster
(14" x 14" x 5")164DOODLEDOO
This colorful rooster is sure to ad some color and life to your country home décor this year and it is guaranteed not...
From $20.50
Three Pumpkin Patch
(24" x 8" x 5")162PMPPATCH
Celebrate the harvest season and add a touch of fall color to you home with this three pumpkin patch hooked lumbar pi...
Frosted Trees
(24" x 8" x 5")162FROSTED
Soft white snow frosts the majestic green pine trees during a winter storm. Designed in Vermont by Laura Megroz.
Pumpkin Patch
(24" x 8" x 5")162FOURPUMPKINS
An orange pumpkin with green vines in every size... for carving, eating, and looking festive! Designed in Vermont by...
(24" x 8" x 5")162BUMBLEBEE
Bumblebees buzzing in the garden on this charming motif lumbar pillow. Designed in Vermont by Laura Megroz.
(24" x 8" x 5")162LONGHORN
We won't steer you wrong. This longhorn pillow is western to the core. It will stare you down and stir up lots of i...
Colored Carrots
(24" x 8" x 5")162COLORCARROTS-ORBR
A rainbow of bright colors on this beautiful pillow will have bunnies and your room saying, "spring has sprung".
(24" x 8" x 5")162POPPY-RDWT
This pillow will fill your home with joy depicting a delicate poppy bloom, its scarlet petals whispering tales of bea...