Wool-Top Benches, Stools and Footstools
25-45 of 45
Sit and Stay
(32" x 17" x 15")760SITSTAY-BKWT
Place this hickory bench by the door, where a friendly lab will beg your guests to sit and stay!
Sunflower Bees
(32" x 17" x 15")760SUNFLOWERBEE-GRWT
Our hickory sunflower bench is positively buzzing with cheerful bees and blooms.
Two Cinnamon Buffalo
(32" x 17" x 15")760TWOCINBUFFALO
Hand made hickory bench with hooked wool cushion depicting two buffalo on red. A perfect addition to your lodge or...
Golden Buffalo
(32" x 17" x 15")760GOLDBUFFALO
Hand made hickory bench with hooked wool cushion depicting a large buffalo grazing golden plains. A perfect additio...
Moby Dick Whale
(32" x 17" x 15")760MOBYDICK
Hand made hickory bench with hooked wool cushion depicting a traditional canoe. A perfect addition to your seaside...
Hudson Bay Stripe
(32" x 17" x 15")760HUDSONBAY-RED-WHT-000
Hand made hickory bench with a woven wool cushion depicting the traditional Hudson Bay blanket stripes. A perfect a...
Summer Trout
(32" x 17" x 15")760SUMMERTROUT
Hand made hickory bench with a hooked wool cushion depicting colorful trout on a crisp white background. A perfect ad...
Cinnamon Bears
(32" x 17" x 15")760CINNAMONBE-BRN-RED-000
This hooked wool top bench depicts two large brown bears on a warm red background. It is a perfect addition to your...
River Fish
(32" x 17" x 15")760RIVERFISH
Multi-colored river fish scatter across this signature product. A timeless pattern with a lake and lodge appeal. Desi...
Snow Sports
(17" x 32" x 15")760SNOWSPORTS
Winter snow sports galore make this the perfect accent for mudroom, foot of the bed, or entryway of any skier or boar...
Three Labs
(32" x 17" x 15")760THREELABS
The perfect bench for dog lovers to show their love for their four-legged friends. How could you pass up such a timel...
Longhorn Steer
(32" x 17" x 15")760LONGHORN
Hickory bench with the longhorn steer hooked wool top goes from western look to mountain lodge style with ease. A tim...
(32" x 17" x 15")760SKIER
The perfect Apres Ski seat for a nice toddy after a day on winter slopes! Be sure to look at the other pieces to comp...
Deep Woods
(32" x 17" x 15")760DEEPWOODS
Decorative and rustic this striped Deep Woods pattern will feel right at home in the entryway of cabin in the woods o...
River Fish
(48" x 17" x 15")770TROUT
Multi colored river fish scatter across this signature product. A timeless pattern with a lake and lodge appeal. Desi...
Cinnamon Bears
(48" x 17" x 15")770CINNAMONBE-BRN-RED-000
This hooked wool top bench depicts two large brown bears on a warm red background. It is a perfect addition to your...
Ruby Pinecones
(48" x 17" x 15")770RUBYPINECO-BRN-RED-000
The Ruby Cones hooked wool top bench is a bright and comfy accent piece that can be a highlight to any room and provi...
Hudson Bay
(48" x 17" x 15")770HUDSONBAY-RDWT
This Hudson Bay hickory bench pays homage to a legend. It'll make a great addition to any room.
Sedona Sunset
(48" x 17" x 15")770SEDONASUNSET
The gorgeous colors in the Southwest-inspired hickory bench will leave you as breathless as a vivid sunset!
Diamond Pine
(48" x 17" x 15")770DIAMONDPINE
This hickory bench is the quintessential Amish rustic bench for country, lodge, or mountain home decor. The diamond...
Northwoods Pinecones
(48" x 17" x 15")770NORTHWOODS
This hickory bench beautifully displays a nature scene of pinecones that will fit perfectly with your rustic home or...